Showing posts with label Tips dan Trik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips dan Trik. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Latest Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 14

Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 14 Full Version:

Internet Download Manager is a tool which brings you to download anything 4 to 5 times faster

and the latest version of Internet Download Manager is IDM 6.07 Build14
now you can download more better more saver and more faster
download from youtube and more famous video sharing websites download anything and anywhere .
Download IDM 6.07 Build 14 and enjoy!

WindowBlinds 7.3 Full Crack Patch

WindowBlinds 7.3 Full Crack Patch is the latest version that was released around mid-October 2011. WindowBlinds 7.3 is a software that can be used to alter the computer interface is very fast you very much fund additional facilities such as theme etc. Stardock Window Blinds 7.3 offers several advantages that allow you to modify your computer's interface to meet your own.
Some of the features found in WindowBlinds 7.3 :
  • Stylize (Visual Styles, Alternative Skin Styles)
  • Customize (Modify Aero, Change skin fonts, Adjust transparency, Colors, Textures, Explorer Backgrounds)
  • Apply (Easy-to-use configuration dialog, Presets, Random skins option, Per application option)
Screenshots :
WindowBlinds 7.3


Minimum Requirements :
  • Windows 7/ Vista/ XP (32 or 64 bit)
  • No Special Requirements
Download Here :


Monday, November 28, 2011

Eset Nod & Smart Auto Update Keys

  • Eset Nod & Smart Auto Update Keys
NOD the best solution for automatically updating Eset NOD32 keys. Every day you get new keys and your Eset will never expire.



Cheat Point Blank SG Brutal Enemy Kick Replace weapon MSpeed Anti Vote Kick Wallhack No smoke 27-11-2011

Cheat Point Blank SG Brutal Enemy Kick Replace weapon MSpeed Anti Vote Kick Wallhack No smoke 27-11-2011

How to Use :
- Extraxt rar
- Open injector
- Password input injector
- Open the launcher PB
- Start
- Auto Injection

Features / Hotkey :
[+] Wallhack
[+] SG Brutal
[+] Replace Weapon
[+] AIM Flat
[+] MSpeed
[+] Anti-Vote Kik 60%
[+] Enemy Kick (Just RM)
[+] Fast Plant & defuse
[+] Force Exit
[+] Insert To Menu | On (->) | Off (<-)



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Make a simple game with 20 applications

Here are a variety of applications can be used to make games that anyone who wants to make the game itself.
Create Flash-Based Game

1. AlbinoBlackSheep
http://www.albinoblacksheep.comHere a lot of games and videos, including tutorials on how to make flash-based games.
2. FlashKit

Here you can find a lot of work with flash tutorials include step by step guide to some types of games.
3. Kirupahttp://kirupa.comLots of extensive tutorial to make flash games including guidelines for specific games like shooter games.
4. Lassie Adventure Studio this application, you can create 2D drawings for adventure game with ease and make the game.
5. Sploderhttp://www.sploder.comHere you can create flash games from various types of objects and then put it on MySpace, Blogger and other sites.
Creating Game Standard and guidance
6. Anim8orhttp://www.anim8or.comApplication modeling 3D animation for games that are easy to use.
7. Byondhttp://www.byond.comHere you can create your own game with the help of equipment that has been provided alikasi and then you share with others for their opinions.
8. Discovery Gamehttp://www.gamediscovery.comHere all you want to make games there, character making, making the gameplay and also you can find ideas to make the game here.
9. Martin Piecyk's Website 7Emfp27/gamemaking Guide to learn how to create games with accompanying links to various sources.
10. VGMusichttp://vgmusic.comIf you want to add sound effects or soundtrack of the game you created, you can find here, a lot of midi files that you can use for games that you create.
11. Visionaire2dhttp://www.visionaire2d.netThis application can help you create a 2D adventure game without programming knowledge.
12. YoYoGameshttp://www.yoyogames.comHere you will find a lot of equipment to make the game such as beta testing, downloads, work in progress, community, and many others.
Creating a RPG Game
13. Charas-Projecthttp://charas-project.netCharacter generator is easy to use for RPG characters that you want to create.
14. CrankEyehttp://www.crankeye.comThere are plenty of guides to make a RPG like character editors, soundfile and so forth.
15. DualSolacehttp://dualsolace.comHere you can find the software makes the RealFeel 2D MMORPG.
16. FreeMMORPGMakerhttp://www.freemmorpgmaker.comFree software to create a MMORPG including making parts of games like character, and sound effects.
17. PhanxGames can make RPG and also with making graphics, sound files midi, wav, then if you finish him, you can upload it on the site up to size 50 MB.
18. PlayerWorldshttp://www.playerworlds.comPopular applications are widely used to make a RPG game series.
19. RPG Maker Maker program at this site there are some series that you can choose according to your wishes.
20. RPGCrisishttp://rpgcrisis.netHere you can find various downloads and applications for making RPGs on the various systems whether PC or the other.
21. RPG Revolutionhttp://www.rpgrevolution.comEquipment and applications for making RPG games on more than 13 different systems making games.
Free download 3d rpgmaker


==> May Beneficial yes <==

Friday, April 22, 2011

25 kinds of Registry Hack

1. Disable the windows key2. Disabling the search menu3. Hiding run4. Setting the hidden file systemand so on
1. Disable the windows key => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ KeyboardLayout
create a new binary file with a name Scandode Map0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 030008 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E00010 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 0300182. Disabling menu search => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorercreate a DWORD named NoFind file, change the value to 1

3. Hiding run => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerNoRun DWORD with the name of the file, change the value to 1

4. Setting the hidden file system => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanceda new DWORD value named Hidden, change the value to 1

5. Set the file extension hidden => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanceda new DWORD value named HideFileExt, change the value to 1

6. Hiding the folder options => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerDWORD value named NoFolderOptions, change the value to 1

7. Prevent access to drives C => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerDWORD value named NoViewOnDrive, change the value to 4

8. Men-Disable command prompt => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ SystemDWORD value named DisableCMD, the value to 2

9. Prevent access to Regedit => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ SystemDisableRegistryTools DWORD value with the name, the value to 1

10. Preventing access to Task Manager => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ SystemDWORD value named DisableTaskMgr, the value to 1

11. Eliminate the ShutDown button => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerNoClose DWORD value with name, change the value to 1

12. Hidden All Programs from the Start Menu => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerNoStartMenuMorePrograms DWORD value with name, change the value to 1

13. Start up AplikasiRuns => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Runnew String value named anything what, then change the value with the path or file nameto be run.

14. Automatic Logon Startup => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows_NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogonnew String value named AutoAdminLogon, change the value to 1

15. Restrict certain programs => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorera new DWORD value named DisallowRun, change the value to 1a new key named DisallowRun, for example want to restrict Regedit create the value string with the name 1, and values ​​with the path

16. Ignoring changes in settings => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorera new DWORD value named NoSaveSetting, change the value to 1

17. Removing traces username => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Systemdouble click on Don'tdisplaylastusername, change the value to 1

18. Creating an account is hidden => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ Userlista new DWORD value with anything what name, and change the value to 0 to hide

19. Manipulating the minimum password length => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ NetworkThe new binary value named MinPwdLenTo determine the number of password at least write down the password length after 0000eg, a password at least 9 characters, then write 09 0000

20. Removing Icons Control Panel => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ don'tloadcreate a string value based on the following dataAccess.cpl = Accessbility OptionHdwwiz.cpl = Add HardwareAppwiz.cpl = Add / remove programsConsole.cpl = ConsoleTimedate.cpl = Date and timeDesk.cpl = DisplayFax.cpl = FaxInetcpl.cpl = Internet OptionsJoy.cpl = Game ControllersLiccpa.cpl = LicensingMain.cpl = MaouseMlcfg32.cpl = MailModem.cpl = Modem and PhoneNcpa.cpl = Network ConnectionsNetcpl.cpl = Network and dialup connectivityNwc.cpl = Netware clientOdbccp32.cpl = ODBC ConnectionDevapps.cpl = PC CardPorts.cpl = PortsTelephone.cpl = Phone and Modem OptionsPowercfg.cpl = Power OptionIntl.cpl = Regional and languageSticpl.cpl = Scanner and CamerSrvmgr.cpl = Server ManagerMmsys.cpl = Sound and audio devicesSapi.cpl = Speech PropertiesSysdm.cpl = SystemTweakyui = TweakUINusmgr.cpl = User Accountirprops.cpl = Wireless LinkWspcpl32.cpl = WSP ClientAdobe Gamma.cpl = Adobe GammaCpqmgmt.cpl = Compaq Insght Agentlgfxcpl.cpl = Inter Graphics TechnologyJpicpl32.cpl = Java pluginlightFrame.cpl = LightframeNmo.cpl = Nokia modem optionsMclconf.cpl = Nokia Connection managerS32LUCP1.cpl = Norton Live UpdateQuictime.cpl = QuickTimeAvscpa.cpl = Virus Scan
System options eg want to remove, then create the value string with the name sysdm.cpl and change the value to No.

21. Menonaktfifkan Active Desktop => HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerNoActiveDesktop binary value with the name, value data as:0000 01 00 00 00

22. Access Lock Floppy Drive => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ WinlogonAllocateFloppies string value with the name, change the value to 0 to hide the TSB account

23. Removing Shared Documents =>delete subykey {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}

24. Disable writing in the flash => [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies]"WriteProtect" = dword: 00000001
Hacking the Registry with Batch FileBasic commands- REG ADD- REG DELETE- REG COPY- REG SAVE- REG LOAD- REG unload- REG QUERY- REG Compare- REG EXPORT- REG IMPORT
Code Structure
1. REG ADDREG ADD KeyName [/ v Value Name] [/ tType] [/ d Data] [/ f]Example syntax: Disabling Menu SearchREG ADD HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer / v NoFind / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f
Keyname => is the name of the key that will be targeted. Rootkey should be abbreviatedAbbreviations Rootkey- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT => HKCR- HKEY_CURRENT_USER => HKCU- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => HKLM- HKEY_USERS => HKU- HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG => HKCC
Value to the registry => Used to add the name value to the registryType Value In Registry- String Value => REG_SZ- DWORD Value => REG_DWORD- Binary Value => REG_BINARYData => Used to determine the value of value/ F => Used to ignore the overwrite command, if there is a value or the same key
2. REG DELETE=> To remove the registry value specifiedREG DELETE KeyName [/ v Value Name | / va] / f[/ V Value Name | / va] => Used to delete the value, or by using the / va delete all values
3. REG COPYREG COPY keyname keyname 1 2 [/ s] [/ f]/ S command to copy all the keys along with keys that are insid

20 Hack Registry untuk Tingkatkan Kinerja PC

Right-click function is an excellent way to learn some of the hidden functions of Windows. Want more? Try to get you started exploring the application of the Control Panel and find some useful techniques. And there's more applications folder Command Line in Windows' System32. But, none can match the Registry.

Registry is equipped with a variety of settings that are useful to enhance performance, improve security holes, and even change the fundamental basis of Windows to work better. Although it looks very sophisticated, you still need to be careful in using it because it is not just a feature that helps but also many pitfalls.

If not careful, you are actually adding to the problem than solve it. To that end, below there are 20 hack that you can try to make your PC better. Good luck!

1. Increase Security
    Someone who does not want can easily take your data with the USB if he managed to access your PC physically. If you're using Windows XP2 or later, there is a simple way to prevent it.

Go to "HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies", create a DWORD value called "WriteProtect" and set the value "1". You will be able to read the USB drive, but could not move the data into it again.

2. Control UAC
    Vista's User Account Control is very often led to warnings that ultimately turned off by the user. But, sometimes it makes them miss the useful features such as modes of protection for IE. You can control how to disable the warning for the administrator, so you do not need to be disturbed, but the UAC still working on the background and you can still get the features.

To do this, go to "HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System \ ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", and set the value to "0". To return to normal conditions, set the value to "2".

3. Change Owner
    Install Windows on your PC and you'll be prompted to enter a name, which is then stored as the registered owner (run WinVer to see this on your system). If you buy a used computer, you may want to change the name of the owner with his own name. Hmm .. there's no other way than with the Registry.
br> Go to the "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion" and will see two sentences "RegisteredOwner" and "RegisteredOrganization". Double-click on them to change.

4. Sorting Files by True
    Sort the file name in Explorer can become a problem. Initial setup, he would put "File_v2.txt" before "File_v15.txt", and it is not a sequence of ASCII, but it looks more reasonable. But, what if the "v" refers to the version number, and should "File_v15.txt" on the order of the previous? At this time, the initial system Explorer can not work at all.

To restore the normal sort of ASCII, go to "HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer", create a DWORD value called "NoStrCmpLogical" and set the value to "1". Delete the code if you want to go back to the initial conditions of the standard Explorer.

5. Troubleshoot Startup
    If Windows takes too long to start up and shut down, chances are he was having an issue. To find out what is going back in. "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System", create a DWORD value called "verbosestatus" and set the value to "1". Restart your PC and Windows will tell you what is happening.

6. Organize Folder Types
    Explorer of Vista would be smart to choose the type of folder you based on its contents. However, this means your download folder will turn into the music folder if you downloaded a few MP3s. To fix this, go into "HCU \ Software \ Classes \ LocalSettings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shelf", delete the subkey "Bags" and create a new one at the same location.

Create a key named "AllFolders" under Bags, and other key named "Shell" at the bottom again. Then click her to open the "HCU \ Software \ Classes \ LocalSettings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ Bags \ AllFolders \ Shell". Right click on the right panel, select 'New | String Value "and call it" FolderType ". Then, double click on FolderType and set the value to "NotSpecified". You still can change the type of folder, but Vista will not change automatically.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Norton Internet Security (2012)

Norton Internet Security (2012)

Norton Internet Security runs quietly in the background to detect and block today's complex
threats and to protect your identity when you buy, bank, or browse online. Friendly and efficient
product design helps minimize confusing security alerts and the decline could enter the road system
your online experience. Norton Internet Security provides essential protection from viruses, hackers,
spyware, spam and other privacy threats. A comprehensive set of security tools, Norton Internet Security
help keep you safe online as you surf and email, swap files, download programs, and chat. In addition
protect against viruses and unwelcome intrusions from the Internet


NIS also allows you to automatically block annoying banner ads and pop-up window, make the parent siteblocking options for restricting access to certain web sites, and selectively determine, if any,Java applets and ActiveX controls should be allowed to download and run on your computer. EnjoyInternet with award-winning protection!
Key Technologies:Anti VirusAnti-RootkitBot ProtectionNorton Safe WebSmart FirewallNEW! 2 SONAR Behavioral ProtectionNEW! Norton Systems InsightNEW! Norton AntiSpam Insight NetworkNEW! Download Norton InsightNEW! Norton Threat InsightSpyware ProtectionIdentity ProtectionPulse UpdatesNetwork MonitoringParental ControlsVulnerability ProtectionNEW! Professional Strength AntiSpamNEW! Norton File Insight
Key Benefits:NEW threat Provide a clear explanation and performance provide greater insight into the downloadapplications and files by telling you where they came from, if they are trustworthy, and how theyaffect your PC's resources and performanceNEW Identify insecure Web site right on the search results you Warning you from malicious Web sites andsuspicious sellers so you can surf and shop online with confidenceImproved! Stops online identity theft, viruses, spyware, bots and more Guards your PC, onlineactivities, and your identity against all types of Internet threatsImproved! Stop attacks before they get on your PC Proactively blocks hackers and preventmalicious software from downloading to your computer when you surf the webUsing intelligence-driven Norton Insight Network for faster, fewer, shorter scans detect and removemalicious software with the shortest scan time of each security product
Norton Internet Security 2011 Features:
Intelligent ProtectionImproved! Norton Protection System provides a variety of security layers that work together to provideInternet threats comprehensive protectionNEW! Norton Safe Web to identify websites that are not safe and dangerous right in your search resultsImproved! Norton IdentitySafe offers one-click log-in and automatic form filling to prevent key loggersfrom stealing your information while you typeNEW! Norton IdentitySafe On-the-Go lets you access the most up-to-date log-in and password on everyNorton Internet Security 2010 PC protectedanti-phishing technology Industry-leading authenticate a secure site and protects you from visiting web sites that are not secure and fraudNEW! Analyze downloads, files and applications and notify you if they are trustworthy before you install and useImproved! Vulnerability protection guard security holes in your operating system, application, browser and browser plug-insImproved! Detects and removes even the most difficult to find and cookies Firefox Internet ExplorerfSmart Firewall stops hackers and make intelligent security decisions for youNEW! Parental Controls provides insight into online activity of your children so you can teach them a good internet habits and help them stay safeImproved! Norton Bootable Recovery Tool repair, restore and boots highly infected, the PC unbootableNEW! Professional-strength anti-spam protection using the same technology as large enterprises to effectively block a lot of unwanted email
Enginee for SpeedImproved! Proven fastest, light security suite for protection that will not slow you down, get in your way, or swallowing of system resources. More InfoImproved! Norton Insight scan files only at risk of fewer, shorter scans, and scanning the fastest time in the industry. More InfoIt will not slow you down when you download, copy, or edit files, or install the application. More Info
Combat today's rapid-fire attackNEW! Norton Insight Network using Symantec's global security network to provide real-time protection fromLatest-breaking threatsNEW! 2 SONAR (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response) uses an online intelligence and proactive monitoringto detect and stop new threatsPulse Update norton provide quick mini update every 5 to 15 minutes for local protection up-to-the-minute onlatest threatsPrevents bots from taking control of your PCFinding and removing rootkitPrevents Internet worms from getting on your PCTells you which application processes are running on your PC safe and riskyNorton Bootable Recovery Tool provide a level of deep cleaning for heavily infected PC
Provide information on threats, download and filesNEW! Download Norton Insight warns you download malicious before you install and useNEW! Threats Norton Insight notify you if a threat is detected, the threat of trying to carry out what actionson your system, and how Norton Internet Security threats are eliminatedNEW! Norton File Insight tells you where your files and applications come from, if they trusted, and how they mightaffect the speed of your PC
Helps keep your PC running at top speedNEW! Norton System Insight helps you improve and maintain your PC performance and applicationNEW! Automatic and optimization of on-demand applications enhance application performanceNEW! Norton System Insight gives you an overview of recent events on your PC such as installing, downloading,scanned and threats are detected, so you can see what events might have influenced the performance of your PCNEW! Norton System Insight resource usage graph helps you determine what's causing your PC to slow downNEW! Tells you how your files and applications impact your PC's performance
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Additional FeaturesNEW! Monthly Report tells you what Norton Internet Security has been done in the last month to protect you and your PCFree 24x7 support by phone, email, live chat or online knowledge base .**Automatically scans email and IM to infectionMap and monitor the wireless network at home so you can see everything connected to the visitor is not even valid as the next PCAutomatic downloads of protection updates and new product features as available during the period of serviceWith Norton Automated Update Services your annual subscription can be automatically renewed for the protection of disturbed
Why Choose Norton Internet Security: 

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* Improved! Stop attacks before they get on your PC Proactively blocks hackers and prevent malicious software fromdownload onto your computer when you surf the web
 * NEW! Provide a clear threat and an explanation of performance Provide greater insight into downloading applications and filesby telling you where they came from, if they are trustworthy, and how they can affect your PC's resources and performance
 * NEW! Identify insecure Web site right on the search results you Warning you from malicious Web sites and sellers so suspiciousYou can surf and shop online with confidence 
* Using intelligence driven Norton Insight Network for faster, fewer, shorter scans detect and remove malicious softwarewith the shortest scan time of each security product
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OR :

Understanding Registry

Understanding RegistryRegistry is the main control center on windows operating system. the registry have a lot of information about the software, hardware, and configuration of computer systems. But behind the functionality of the registry, it turns out the registry can be utilized for the process of hacking. Hacking is an art of hacking the registry using the registry as a medium for mengeksploitasisuatu windows operating system. In pstingan this time you will learn a lot about hacking the windows registry and the various consequences which can be taken to be manipulated.

Each root key contains sorts - kind keyyang used as a reference for the Windows operating system in configuring all the software installed in the Windows operating system.
In general, the Registry is divided into 2 elements, namely Hive and Values ​​Entries. Hive is the main branch in the registry yangdigunakan operating system to handle a particular operating system. While the Values ​​entry is the value entered on a key. For more details about
<b>STRUCTURE Windows Registry</b>
If you have managed to open the registry editor, first impressions in the show by the Registry editor window is the display 5 different key rot.&nbsp;</span>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div>
Each root key contains sorts - kind keyyang used as a reference for the Windows operating system in configuring all the software installed in the Windows operating system.
In general, the Registry is divided into 2 elements, namely Hive and Values ​​Entries. Hive is the main branch in the registry yangdigunakan operating system to handle a particular operating system. While the Values ​​entry is the value entered on a key.Hive and Values ​​entries, you can read the next chapter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 DEURUS

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 DEURUS

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 (ENG/DEU/RUS) | 685 MB
This kit includes safety Kaspersky Small Office Security Build yazykaovymi two different packages and updates on 03/04/2011, as well as drugs, skin and tutorials

With Kaspersky Small Office Security will not have to spend a lot of time and effort to learn and configuration information to protect your company. Easy to install, the default settings are optimal and enable automatic updates to ensure your computer network security and protection of confidential information. Now you can concentrate fully on the activities of your company that is focused on computer security issues.

Kaspersky Updater GUI to - update utility designed to download and save to a separate directory updates databases and modules of Kaspersky Lab applications. C that means you can download updates for selected Kaspersky Lab applications installed on a network or home computer. The utility has the ability to download and store base avtopatchi local folder to a network directory, which is connected to a disk file system on your computer, or on flash-drive. Utility updates and articles in this section is given in test mode! In distributing the program added a GUI-interface (screenshot) - very useful!

Composition of Publication:

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 Build Home
Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 Build Russian
Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 Build German

Always working keys
Skin, the which adds the possibility to activate the key file

User Manuals for all distributions in Bahasa, German and Russian
Video - Install Guide Key Exploit

May be useful ....
