Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Make windows xp theme with SkinStudio

Make windows xp theme with SkinStudio 
Okay here I'll explain a little how to make windows xp theme using windows blind. For that I use WB version 6.0 and skinstudio 6

Immediately, the initial explanation. At this point say a button will make first start

1. WB to finish install and run, if WB wants to reboot then reboot first. To WB6 can be downloaded here:

2. Install skin studio please select your own version

3. Enable WB advance please if you have a serial / crack it

4. If it is then in the system tray icon will appear WB then 5. Double click on the icon / right click and select configure windows blind

6. If it appears choose a theme that we will edit. Here I will only change the existing theme, if you want to create from scratch just run Skin studio and began to design a theme that you want

I'll start from the start button. If the position I would like this

Ex. Select the Edit start menu and taskbar and then select Edit on the sub horizontal taskbars


It will appear as below

7. On the list select the Start button. If it is then it will look like below

9. Then select the fame is to click on the frame that will be on fox. In addition to the frame is there an explanation of the function of the frame itself. Ex on frame No. 1 explanation that the frame under normal circumstances. No two frames on the state of suppressed / we click, etc..

10. Now I will change the way the files on the choice pick the right side and I will replace with a picture as below

11. Insert a picture in a frame builder. Then it would be like under

12. If it is then Click the save file and close. After we close, we will return to the previous window, kemdian Click Apply then the theme will be in pairs with all amendments thereto.

Ex got me

Hope can help


where is downloading link bro?

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